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Saturday, December 21, 2024

Attack at Picketed Point!

 Life in early Marietta was difficult: few amenities, flooding, epidemics, primitive (if any) shelter, and Indian threats. Early on, there were three communities in the new town. Fort Harmar was built in 1786 with its soldiers and residents was located near where Harmar School is today. Campus Martius was a fortified mini-city about one acre in size located where Campus Martius Museum is today. Picketed Point was the community on the "point" where the Ohio and Muskingum Rivers converge. It included residences along with businesses serving traffic on the Ohio River.

Caption: early drawing of Picketed Point, from Wikipedia with credit to Marietta College Special Collections. CLICK TO ENLARGE.

     The "Picketed" name was a later addition in 1791 when blockhouses and a protective enclosure of wooden posts (“pickets”) of about 4 acres was built around the community. William Stacy and Sheriff Ebenezer Sproat oversaw construction. This was after the Indian massacre at Big Bottom, along the Muskingum about 25 miles from Marietta. The blockhouses are seen in the photo at the corners of the community. They offered protection in event of attack and were occupied by sentries standing watch.

     If any one of the three communities experienced an emergency, they fired a cannon. That would be answered by a cannon firing from the other two. Help would be mobilized. Area residents could seek shelter within the closest protective enclosure.

     One historical account recounts the following Indian attack episode at Picketed Point.

     "On a very rainy, dark night, the sentinel from the bastion of the Campus Martius saw by the help of a flash of lightning an Indian skulking about almost under him; the cannon was fired, answered at "the Point," but nothing further was seen, but plenty of their tracks in the morning. Some short time after, Capt. Joseph Rogers from Pennsylvania. and one of the men with him, were killed and scalped on the hill in the Indian path leading from Mill Creek to the Campus Martius.


   Such was life in early Marietta.

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