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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Marietta History in One Picture

      Read all about it here, on a single, easy-to-read page - a map full of history facts and features of our "City Beautiful." The web link suggests the map image may have been a postcard. I found this by accident; sometimes history research works that way.

                 Image from

Here are some of the facts, factoids, and promotional messages you'll see. Touch or click for a larger image and enlarge to for more detail. See if you can find these notices on the map:

- "Here landed Louis Phillips 1798, Marquis de Lafayette 1825, and Charles Dickens 1842, You will be just as welcome." Note: Dickens' “visit”, possibly when his steamboat stopped here for supplies, has not been documented.

- Marietta is "Now a modern city - delightful to visit - and better yet to live in."

- What date was this map published?

- "There are no one way streets in Marietta," -  apparently true at the time this map was published.

- "Aaron Burr's boats (1805) for Louisiana Conquest built 5 miles up River."

- "Norwood home of many of Marietta's Interesting Industries." There were many over the years, including Remington Rand, Acme Brick, Rich Loaf Bakery, Crescent Supply, Richardson Printing, Broughton Dairy, Pattin Manufacturing, Vanguard Paint, American Cyanamid, and others - employing nearly 1,000. Of those, only Vanguard Paint survives today, along with facilities added in Marietta Industrial Park.

-  "Municipal Bathing Beach" - where was it?

- Which buildings are listed as having public rest rooms?

- "Site of first brick house built by Gen. Joseph Buell" is shown at Greene and Second Street where tire shop is now. I was unaware of that.

- "Almost all the factory grindstones used in America are mined or milled in our near Marietta." Did you know that?

- “A day in such serene enjoyment spent were worth an age of splendid discontent” – Not sure who said this; its an apparent reference to living in Marietta.

Bottom of map notes: "Data by Mrs. D. H. Buell" and "Cartography by Sewah Studios."

Have guests visiting the area and history is not your thing? Keep a photo of this map on your phone or print it for an instant history tour. You’ll impress the visitors.

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